Our workshops in Architecture (anglais U.S.)

The Laboratory organizes, based on the usual first year exercises ( L 1 ) of school of architecture, leisure workshops in Architecture since 2008, according to an experience of the School of Architecture of Grenoble in 1998.

No fees on this portal, no administrative or financial commitment, any payment of any fees or contributions is done only and exclusively with the partner Youth Associations and Lay Centres.


The design workshop (2h45) little school

13 / 23 years Simple plastic arts exercises of school of architecture: plastic arts, urban design, model of interiors.

project universe

The engineering workshop (2h15) little school

16 years and over Do yourself at your level in a group (techniques of the Architect, trades), self-building.

architectural composition

The workshop plastic arts (2h30) fine arts

adult Land-Art and application of your plastic arts on contemporary architecture. (for practitioners of Plastic Arts)

project drawing

The workshop objective school (2h00) fine arts

15 / 25 years Visits and school exercises of architecture, discover and learn to practice architecture: drawing, plan and model.

historical architectures

The beginners’ workshop (1h45) Leisure of the mind

16 years and over Personal surveys of the architectures and styles that made history: research, visit, writing and plan.

playful architecture

The freedom workshop (1h30) creative hobbies

10 / 15 years Free projects, imagining the city and the built of tomorrow, understanding architecture: multitude of plans, drawings and models.

junior architects

The studious workshop (1h15) Leisure of the mind

8 / 12 years Polygons and space, Plato’s solids and the built space of our lives: geometry, algebra, drawing, plan and model.

minis architects

The children’s workshop (1h00) creative hobbies

6 / 9 years Approach the architecture by board games, images and make models in colored paper: game, drawing, plan and model.

architecture space

The joint workshop (de 1h00 à 2h00) creative hobbies

between 6 and 15 years This workshop brings together all or part of the workshops for children and adolescents & E3AU workshops in creative leisure (playful architecture & minis architects): game, drawing, plan and model.
